Wk 1: In Basic Foundational Courses, Awareness is the underlying motive. Without going too deeply, the teachings are meant to be an introduction, the planting of a seed that will, in time, begin the unravelling of ideas . . . of Self. This awareness will simply introduce the idea that students have unrealized choices that need to be acknowledged. In the beginning the student believes everything about themselves to be true and unchangeable and precious, so they may find it challenging to acknowledge their options unless they learn that they can view reality differently form what they have always automatically perceived. This needs to be corrected. The brain needs to become accustomed to a separating out or a pulling apart of the layers of self so that when the student begins to weed their garden, they have learnt to recognise that they are multi-layered, that they have light shadows and dark shadows, and thatthey cangive themselves permission to weed the parts that they no longer need. When we cause the idea of separating out, we can more easily spot the untruths lurking in the shadows. The weeding is then more effective. Ultimately, we are preparing them to learn about wrong-mindedness and right-mindedness.
My favourite example: In the beginning, the student believes that purple is a colour that can stand on its own foundation. This is incorrect because it is a combination of red and blue. Primary colours and Divine Truths can stand on their own foundations, but purple cannot. It is only a shade of truth. We make deadly assumptions that all truths are ultimate truths, but this is not correct. Some truths stem from foundational truths but they are not pure truths in and of themselves.
As a Teacher: Be careful that you don’t try to impress, prove, validate or share too much. The analogy of a student being able to absorb only a teaspoon at a time, allows the teacher to give only when asked or when relevant. It is not so much about the amount of information but about the student’s ability to absorb and digest. Too much and they feel as if they have indigestion.
 Nothing about this – is about you.Â
Everything about this is about you.
. . . the dichotomy?Â
You have to trust that what they receive is what they need. They would absolutely not be facilitated by you if you did not have what they need at this moment.Â
Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Get used to giving them the freedom to work with you for as long they choose. They are not yours! They are not ours! They are travellers, and they may walk a while with you.
 The gem . . . be okay with not knowing an answer . . . tell them you will get back to them about it. Rather that you wait patiently for a green answer to arrive than, invalidate yourself by giving them a purple one.Â
Lastly . . . you are offering a student a basket of fruit, and if they only eat the oranges, they will eventually become acidic. You cannot determine what each of them will pick and digest because they think they know what is best for them.