Please fill in the Contact Form to book your personal consultation
Facilitated by Paul G Balch
Consult Type:
a) Personal Hypnotic Recording = $175
(Payment + Fill in Form A below)
b) 60 minute session = $250
(Payment + Fill in Message Box below = 21 day personal program)
c) Private Coaching & Tuition:
– 3 Months: $3000
– 6 Month: $5500
(Payment + Fill In Message Box below)
In the MESSAGE box below:
1. State at least 2 dates/days which would suit you for your consultation and we will do our best to accomodate you. Our time zone is Brisbane Australia.
2. Please state your preference for contact from the list below:
Skype / Zoom / Messenger
3. Payment options are below – once you have completed these two steps, your consultation will be finalised.
Alternatively, after payment email me:
Personal Hypnotic Recording
You will receive a personlized hypnotic recording to help achieve any outcome your desired goal.
Beyond Your Expectations!
60 minute Session with Paul
You will receive a personalized 21 day program including a hypnotic recording and supportive material.
Beyond Your Expectations!
Private Coaching 3 months
You will receive a 3 month (fortnightly sessions) program: Deep dive into the SELF, creating sustainable and positive change.
Beyond Your Expectations!
Benefits of Working With Paul
These empowerment sessions are to facilitate positive exponential life changing
benefits in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual lives. By connecting with
your deeper mind, you can more elegantly manifest the healing, success and
breakthrough you desire beyond your expectations. You will receive a personal
hypnotic recording and support to facilitate your transformational process.
All sessions are strictly confidential.
For my BIO please click the link below: