“Once again you have out done yourselves. Up to the moment information, not available in a book, with accompanying diagrams to illuminate, on how to deal with life as it unfolds in a covid-19 environment. The discussion has given me a map on what my next steps are  in this journey and the meditation has given me a powerful tool.”

Mary Jane Price

Hypnotherapist / Teacher

MANY FACES OF ME© - Opticon 22A

by Jaylee Balch | THE OPTICON

The content of any Opticon is the property of Jaylee Balch: Inpowered Living. The contents may not be shared, copied, uploaded, recorded or sold in any form whatsoever – without the express permission of the owner. 


This OpticonA is the first part of a three part series. Although hosted during the COVID Pandemic (2020) it exposes the crucial make-up of the flawed existence of the human being. In this Opticon session we take a look at the puzzle pieces which form the floor boards or foundation of each person and the shifting sands which they are attempting build a life upon. It is better suited for more Intermediate Students who have done some spiritual and self development workshops. This is a BLOCK BUSTER!

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